so what's next?

Publié le par rosa the Prophet, and numerous attacks against his sacred person, our religion is given a new boost!
It's not the kingdom of denmark who's trying to sow discord this time, but the coutry who is supposed to be the country of "freedom" (maybe we have to reconsider the meaning of this word but that's not the point at this moment) so so welcome to USA!
a prest claims that it's time to end up  with "these Muslims" and the dictatorship led by the "Quran", so therefore, mr terry jones would like to burn the holy book as a protest movement, and mr terry would have also chosen the day: the legendary September 11!
the question arises, what does this movement is that all about? a new translation of hatred against Muslims or against Islam in particular?
or is this the revival of a movement referred to instill good spirits naive tamed by a media company well served!

It's not by burning a book, that our friends are going to make it...

in all cases, the Holy book doesn't need anyone to talk for it, God's words are more than just words on a paper...

That said, the Qur'an has always been the guide to truth, and truth is what our friends arrived at least to design and mostly let circulate freely...

Publié dans pensée d'un jour

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